little explorers (1-2 years)

Welcome to Little Explorers, a cosy haven designed for the curious minds of our toddlers.

With a maximum capacity of 6 children per day, our intimate toddler room embraces the essence of authentic exploration through hands-on experiences.

Nature-inspired play takes centre stage as our little ones engage with the world around us, fostering a deep connection with their surrounding and local community.

From reimagining the postman's journey, exploring police vehicles, and observing birds around us, each activity encourages a sense of wonder and discovery.

We nurture a sense of responsibility towards caring for their environment, by instilling these values early on, we create a foundation of respect and mindfulness that extends beyond the walls of our toddler room.

Amidst soft lighting and snug corners, our room provides a safe haven for children to navigate their big feelings with ease, prioritising validation, and connection during these times.

Ofsted 2018 - “Children’s behaviour is exemplary. Very well-established routines, combined with the excellent layout of equipment, helps promote even the youngest children’s independence and self-esteem to the highest level.”